Dr. T. P. Singh
M.Sc., PGDCA, Ph.D. (Maths)

Dr. T.P Singh currently is a professor in P. G.& Research Dept. of Mathematics & O.R. at Baba Mast Nath University Asthal Bohar Rohtak Haryana, India. He has over 40 years of teaching experience to teach Graduate, Post-Graduate, Engineering and Management Classes at various colleges and institutes of repute. His area of interest is Operations Research, Statistics & Probability, Discrete Mathematical Structure, Calculus, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Numerical Methods and Fuzzy Sets. He has written seven books and more than 105 Research Papers published in National and International Journals of repute.Dr.Singh has successfully completed many Research Projects approved by University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi. Besides it, Dr. Singh Chaired many Technical Sessions in National/International Conferences and delivered Invited Talk in conferences and seminars. Twelve Scholars have been awarded Ph.D. degree under his supervision in the field of scheduling; Queuing-Theory, Reliability Engineering, and Five Scholars are still working for Ph.D. Dr. Singh is the Chief/Managing Editor of International / national Journal namely:
Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics ISSN: (P) 0975-7139 & ISSN(O) 2394-9309
Journal of Mathematics & Systems Sciences ISSN : ( P ) 0975-5454
For his excellent Research work in the field of Mathematical Modeling Dr. Singh has been awarded “ Best Citizen of India 2012 Award” by International Publishing House, New Delhi